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Systems, Details and Drawings.

This journey of fabrication of built form is explored through three processes, first; detail of design which outlines the mechanics of space through experience intent of the space, inter-relationships between programmed and interstitial volumetric spaces, range of light, shadow, sound, smell, feel, emotions weaving with flows - water, wind, energy, the language of systems - geometrical and structural propositions of form. second; design of detail crafts the built form in conversation with the intent of detail of design. Details are articulated through articulation of surface and junctions of materiality to acquire the desired essence of space and experience. Details firmly display immediate expressions of the structure, language, system and function of the built form. Each detail thus narrates the story of its making, placing, proportioning and positioning at various stages. Third; communication for actualization, all the stages are thought through the act of drawing. Drawing is revealing the desired imagination of space, it is the act of understanding and knowing how all the forces at play in space get assembled. These sets of drawings will open up the dialogue towards methods of sequencing, structuring, representing and communicating the spatial intent capturing the sense of time, sequencing, processes and assemblies.






-Milestone 5

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